God identifies Himself as the God of Prosperity and completely distanced Himself from Poverty. There is nothing in God that depicts poverty. Everything about God reveals Prosperity and wealth. When Jesus was here on the earth, He fed five thousand men, only a rich man can do that. During the earthly days of Jesus, He rode on a Virgin Horse to Jerusalem. Remember at that time, the horse was the greatest means of transportation available only to the Rich and wealthy class. If you compare it to our present day Jets and cars, He literally flew brand new Jet or brand new car. The clothe that Jesus Christ wore on the day of His crucification was so beautiful and expensive that the cruel Jewish Soldiers who crucified Him refused to tear the clothe but cast lot for who will have the clothe. Everything about God is Prosperity. God is so rich that even the streets of heaven are made of pure gold. Men walk on gold in the streets of heaven.