Friend, lets take a dive deep into something that’s not just exciting, it’s absolutely supernatural! I’m talking about biblical faith—the kind of faith that moves mountains, parts seas, and brings the dead back to life. This isn’t your everyday, run-of-the-mill belief; this is faith with a capital “F,” the God-kind of faith!
Now, let me paint you a picture straight out of the Word of God. Picture Abraham, called to be the father of many nations, stepping out into the unknown simply because God said so. No evidence, no proof, just raw, unadulterated faith. That’s supernatural, my friends! It’s believing in what you can’t see, knowing that God’s promises are yes and amen.
And how about our buddy Joshua, marching around Jericho? Now, marching doesn’t typically bring walls down, but when you add supernatural faith to the mix, watch out! Those walls have no choice but to crumble. It’s that divine assurance, knowing that if God said it, it’s as good as done.
Let’s not forget Jesus, our ultimate example of supernatural faith. He spoke to storms, and they calmed. He talked to dead folks, and they got up. He saw beyond the natural because He operated in a realm of faith that knew no bounds. And here’s the kicker—He said we could do the same! In John 14:12, Jesus tells us that anyone who believes in Him will do the works He has been doing, and even greater things. Now, if that doesn’t get your faith gears grinding, I don’t know what will!
So, what’s the secret sauce to this supernatural biblical faith? It’s hearing the Word of God and taking it at face value. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” It’s not about having a PhD in theology or being able to quote the Bible backward. It’s about hearing His Word and letting it ignite a fire in your heart that says, “If God said it, I believe it, and that settles it!”
Friend, I want to encourage you today to step into that supernatural realm of faith. Start seeing your situations through God’s promises. When He says you’re healed, don’t consult your symptoms; consult His Word. When He says you’re more than a conqueror, don’t check your bank account; check His account of limitless resources.
Let’s live a life that makes the supernatural natural, where faith is our currency, and God’s Word is our reality. It’s time to walk on water, folks! Let’s not be satisfied with just hearing about miracles; let’s be a part of them. With God all things are possible, and with supernatural biblical faith, we’re unstoppable!
God bless you all, and remember, in the realm of faith, we’re just getting started!